Anything to do with nature and animals is usually a hit at our house. Chad has always had a love for animals and learning as much as he can about them. So we were excited to be able to review a product from the company Dive into Your Imagination. Dive into Your Imagination was founded by Annie Crawley, AKA 'Ocean Annie'. She is one of America's leading educators on the ocean environment!
We received the DVD Dive into Diversity, which retails at the website for $19.99. Dive into Diversity is just one of the fabulous DVDs offered. Each DVD is about 35-45 minutes long, and has eight main chapters and some bonus tracks. You can purchase educator guides for the DVDs-they are huge! Each chapter in the DVD has a corresponding chapter in the educator guide, and can be used for preK-K or 1st-3rd grade. The educator guides are available as individual PDFs for $69.95, or you can purchase a printed version for $299. The educator guides are impressive-there is so much information in them, and tons of activities.
We thoroughly enjoyed Dive into Diversity, and I expect we will be watching the DVD again and again! The underwater video was beautiful and vibrant, and we learned so much! We even got to see what happens under the sea at night! The educator guide will keep us busy for a very long time, and I'm excited to continue using it next school year. Go to the Dive into Your Imagination website to check out all the different products offered, as well as tons of information and videos to watch.
To read more TOS reviews of this product, click here.
*Disclaimer: I received this product free of charge in exchange for my honest review.
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Book Review~As Silver Refined by Kay Arthur
As I read As Silver Refined by Kay Arthur, I kept thinking to myself, 'Everyone needs to read this book!'. It has been a huge blessing in my life. This is a book to keep and reread, and loan or give to others. As Silver Refined is for anyone who has ever felt disappointed or discouraged, which I think covers us all! It is also a book to read for anyone who has wondered why God lets certain things happen.
I have read a few bible studies in the past by Kay Arthur, who is a best-selling author of numerous books. I love the way she makes the reader feel like you are a friend, just sitting down to coffee with her. She has a very personal way of getting a message across. Ms. Arthur uses many scripture references throughout As Silver Refined, as well as personal, touching stories.
The title As Silver Refined describes how God lets these disappointments in our lives (actually his 'appointments'), melt and mold us, like refined silver, into the person he would have us be-in His image. You can give in to the disappointments and spiral deeper and deeper into depression and despair, or you can use them, through God's grace, to become a better person, a 'reflection of His goodness'.
Throughout my health struggles, I have tried to remember that God has a plan for my life; a reason for putting me through this. But I do get discouraged and call out 'Why?' to Him. As Silver Refined is the best book I have read to deal with this topic, and I feel better equipped now to pull myself out of those frustrating times.
I highly recommend As Silver Refined to everyone! I look forward to re-reading it and sharing it with others. You can purchase this book at bookstores and retailers online, such as Amazon.
Here is chapter one for you to read:
As Silver Refined by Kay Arthur (Chapter 1 Excerpt)
*Disclaimer: I received this book free of charge from Waterbrook Multnomah Pubishing Group's Blogging for Books program in exchange for my honest opionion.
Friday, May 25, 2012
TOS Blue Ribbon Awards!

My first year on the TOS Homeschool Crew has come to a close, and a new year reviewing has already begun! I have really enjoyed learning about and reviewing many products out there. TOS gives out yearly awards to the vendors that were voted as having the best products of the year. Here are this year's winners:
As the 2011-2012 Crew year comes to a close, we are once again presenting awards to our vendors. The awards are known as the TOS Homeschool Crew Blue Ribbon Awards. The following vendors are the recipients of the award this year. Click on their name to check out the Crew reviews!
Favorite Reading Instruction Product: Reading Eggs
Favorite Writing Product: Write Shop
Favorite Language Arts Product: Progeny Press
Favorite Social Studies Product: TruthQuest History
Favorite Science Product: Amazing Science
Favorite Math Product: Math Mammoth
Favorite Online Math Product: Math Rider
Favorite Foreign Language Product: Visual Latin
Favorite Fine Arts Product: Artistic Pursuits
Favorite Christian Education Product: Apologia: Who Am I?
Favorite Preschool Product: Before Five in a Row
Favorite Elementary Product: All About Reading
Favorite Middle School Product: Write with WORLD
Favorite High School Product: Excellence in Literature
Favorite College or College-Prep Product: Excellence in Literature
Best Online Resource: Reading Eggs
Best e-Product: Heritage History
Best Homeschool Resource: Apologia: Educating the Wholehearted Child
Best Book, Novel, or Magazine: Apologia: How to Have a HEART for Your Kids
Best Children's Book: Amazing Animals by Design
Best Game or Toy: Northstar Games: Wits and Wagers and Say Anything
Best Hands-On Resource: Pitsco Education
Best Resource I Didn't Know I Needed: eMeals
Best Customer Service: K5 Learning
Most Adaptable Resource: Creek Edge Press
Most Family-Oriented Resource: Northstar Games: Wits and Wagers and Say Anything
Kids' Choice (favorite of CHILDREN ages 0-12): Reading Eggs
Teens' Choice (favorite per the TEENAGERS): Pitsco Education
All Around Crew Favorite: Visual Latin
Each winning vendor has received this wonderful award to display with pride:

What were my personal favorites? There are many wonderful products I've reviewed, but two products that come to mind which we continue to use on our own, are Reading Eggs and Math Rider.
Many Crew Members are blogging about these awards. Click below to see what they have to say! Powered by Linky Tools
Click here to see the Crew Blog Posts...
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Review and Giveaway~ Post Honey Bunches of Oats
I've always thought Post Honey Bunches of Oats was a yummy cereal, and now they've made it even better with more granola bunches! This is a cereal that is good for you, and even my kids love it!
Honey Bunches of Oats Honey Roasted contains (per serving):
* 10 grams whole grain
* 6 grams of sugar
* 9 essential vitamins and minerals
* 4 nutritious grains
Check out Honey Bunches of Oats on Facebook, where you can find more information and coupons.
* Leave a comment-what is your favorite cereal?
For one extra entry each (make sure to leave a comment letting me know what you did):
*Follow me on GFC or Linky Followers (right sidebar)
*Follow me on Twitter @athenalang (right sidebar)
*Follow me on Google Plus (right sidebar)
*Like Honey Bunches of Oats on Facebook-leave a comment that Athena at The Loose Screw sent you!
*Tweet about this giveaway, using the hashtag #HBOats
This giveaway will end on May 31, 2012 at midnight MST. The winners will be notified by email, so make sure you leave your email address. Good luck!!
*Disclaimer: Post provided a free sample of their Honey Bunches of Oats-Honey Roasted so I could review them. However, all of the opinions expressed here are my own.
Honey Bunches of Oats Honey Roasted contains (per serving):
* 10 grams whole grain
* 6 grams of sugar
* 9 essential vitamins and minerals
* 4 nutritious grains
Check out Honey Bunches of Oats on Facebook, where you can find more information and coupons.
The Giveaway
THREE The Loose Screw Readers will each get a coupon for one FREE box of Honey Bunches of Oats, up to $4.49! To enter:* Leave a comment-what is your favorite cereal?
For one extra entry each (make sure to leave a comment letting me know what you did):
*Follow me on GFC or Linky Followers (right sidebar)
*Follow me on Twitter @athenalang (right sidebar)
*Follow me on Google Plus (right sidebar)
*Like Honey Bunches of Oats on Facebook-leave a comment that Athena at The Loose Screw sent you!
*Tweet about this giveaway, using the hashtag #HBOats
This giveaway will end on May 31, 2012 at midnight MST. The winners will be notified by email, so make sure you leave your email address. Good luck!!
*Disclaimer: Post provided a free sample of their Honey Bunches of Oats-Honey Roasted so I could review them. However, all of the opinions expressed here are my own.
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Chad is at the point in school when we are drilling, drilling, and drilling math facts. He is fairly quick with addition and subtraction, and is just learning multiplication and division. You should hear the groans when I pull out the old flash cards! He would much rather be doing something on the computer than doing flash cards, so I was interested in trying CapJaxMathFax.
Jack Fretwell is the creator of this program, and has over 30 years experience in education and computers. CapJaxMathFax is a drill and practice program that you can download to your computer, starting at $29.95. It is meant to be used as a supplement to any math program you are currently using.
As the teacher, you would set the parameters for your student's drill and they can practice anytime. You can choose from addition, subtraction, multiplication or division, or a combination of the four. The program randomly generates problems without repetition, and provides immediate feedback. The student gets extra reinforcement for fast, correct answers, and can even earn merit badges.
Teachers receive detailed reports, and with the rating system students can set personal goals and keep track of scores. Click CapJaxMathFax at a glance to learn more about the program.
Personally, I found CapJaxMathFax to be a fine, solid drill program for the computer. Chad was a little overwhelmed at first with how busy the screen was, which he got used to. He has a different program for drilling on the computer that is still his favorite, but this would be a fine supplement for any student.
To read more reviews of CapJaxMathFax from the TOS Crew, click here.
*Disclaimer: I received this product in exchange for my honest review.
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Movie Premiere!
Monday evening, Alyssa and I did something we haven't done before-went to a movie premier! Jodi from had a giveaway last week, and 5 readers each got to bring a guest to see the premiere of What to Expect When You're Expecting, due to open Friday!! The picture above is Jodi and her winners, with us all modeling our Centrum maternity shirts (the giveaway was sponsored by Centrum).
The premier was unlike a regular movie-going experience, with a photographer snapping pictures, security taking our cell phones away during the movie and using the wand to check for recording devices, etc. Inside the theater we each got a little gift bag with prenatal vitamins. I think we will donate ours to the local Pregnancy Resource Center.
The movie was good!! There were so many great actors I didn't even know were going to be in it! They covered every possible angle of having a child-from adoption to twins to different pregnancies, etc. A fun movie! Here is a picture of Alyssa and I showing off our shirts to the photographer:
Be sure to go to Jodi's website, for all sorts of good stuff-deals, giveaways, and more. Also, check out her review of our movie night!
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Book Review~Answers for the 4A Epidemic
Think about it-do you ever hear of a child just having one of these four illnesses? I never have. They seem to go hand-in-hand; you don't just have one, you have a couple or more. Why is that? Also, why is the incidence of these ailments raising at an alarming rate? It seems to be an epidemic!
Dr. Cannizzaro has 30 years of experience in pediatric medicine. He has found interrelationship among the 4A disorders and recognizes patterns behind them. In Answers for the 4A Epidemic, he explains what he believes connects the 4A disorders, why they are a growing epidemic, and steps and options for healing.
I was fascinated by some of the statistics-did you know 9 million American children age 18 and younger have asthma? Or that children who take antibiotics before age four have 400% more asthma than others? This book is full of facts, education, and treatment suggestions. Dr. Cannizzaro did a great job of approaching the problem from every angle-he didn't discount medication and traditional medical care. He mentioned many different types of treatment, including the spiritual connection to your body. I must admit, some of the technical lingo in Answers for the 4A Epidemic was over my head, but overall I feel I gained an immense amount of knowledge, and I plan on educating myself further to alternative treatment methods for myself and my children. If any of your children suffer from the 4A disorders, I suggest getting a copy of this book.
*Disclaimer: I received this book from Charisma House in exchange for my honest review.
Book Review~Brush of Angel's Wings
Brush of Angel's Wings by Ruth Reid is the second novel from the 'A Heaven on Earth' series. I previously read the first in this series, The Promise of an Angel, and very much enjoyed Ruth Reid's talent as a writer. Brush of Angel's Wings was just as enjoyable!
Rachel Hartzler is young Amish woman who has no prospects of marriage, and she is past the prime time when young women marry in her old-order Amish community. She is dedicated to her parents, who suffered the loss of their only son in an accident. The youngest daughter, Rachel has stepped in to help her father with the farm chores her brother used to do. She is not good at, and has no interest in, womanly chores of cooking, cleaning and sewing.
Jordan Engles, whose mother had been Amish, arrived in town after his mother's death. Having never been raised Amish, he had promised his mother he would give his Amish roots a chance. He has no intention of becoming Amish, but finds work at the Hartzler farm, taking over Rachel's farm chores. The two dislike each other immediately, and the story follows them as they try to discover God's will for their lives.
Throughout Brush of Angel's Wings, an angel is watching over Rachel and Jordan and interceding where necessary. The story is full of emotion and twists and turns-a book I had a hard time putting down!
*Disclaimer: I received this book from Booksneeze in exchange for my honest review.
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Mother of Pearl~Day 6

Today is the last day of the Mother of Pearl series-I hope you've enjoyed it! Today is also the last day to enter to win a beautiful custom pearl necklace-click the button on the right sidebar to enter. Be sure to join us for the facebook party on the 21st!!
Welcome to Pearl Girls™ Mother of Pearl Mother's Day blog series - a week long celebration of moms and mothering. Each day will feature a new post by some of today's best writer's (Tricia Goyer, Sheila Walsh, Suzanne Woods Fisher, Bonnie St. John, and more). I hope you'll join us each day for another unique perspective on Mother's Day.
AND ... do enter the contest for a chance to win a beautiful hand crafted pearl necklace. To enter, just {CLICK THIS LINK} and fill out the short form. Contest runs 5/6-5/13 and the winner will on 5/14. Contest is only open to US and Canadian residents.
If you are unfamiliar with Pearl Girls™, please visit and see what we're all about. In short, we exist to support the work of charities that help women and children in the US and around the globe. Consider purchasing a copy of Pearl Girls: Encountering Grit, Experiencing Grace or one of the Pearl Girls™ products (all GREAT Mother's Day gifts!) to help support Pearl Girls.
And to all you MOMS out there, Happy Mother's Day!
What I Didn't Know by Rhonda Shrock
I always knew I wanted to be a mother. As a girl, I played house with my dollies, shushing them when they cried and kissing their plastic heads.
Looking back at that girl, I realize now that there was a lot she didn't know. This morning over my fresh-ground coffee, this mother of 22-1/2 years scratched out a list of 10 things she didn't know then that she knows now.
1. I didn't know - how could I? - just how completely a tiny, helpless scrap of humanity can capture the heart and hold it forever. From that first whooshing heartbeat and the first butterfly brushes, a mother's heart is never again her own. For all eternity, it enlarges, walking and pulsing and moving outside of her body; in my case, in the shape of a blue-eyed boy with rooster tails. Times four.
2. I didn't know that the size of a mother's heart is always changing, stretching to embrace each new baby that comes, then growing again to love their friends and then their own families.
3. I never knew, as I changed my dolly's dress, how many reasons there are to worry when you're a mama. Didn't know about the nighttime vigils. Didn't know the anxiety of separation, the terror that floods when you turn around in the grocery store and they're gone. Didn't know about the fear of the pond next door or the concern that pays for swimming lessons. Didn't know the thousand-and-one reasons that keep a mother awake, whispering prayers on her pillow in the dark.
4. No one told me that loving so much means that you will hurt hard and keen; that what pains your child hurts you even worse. I didn't know then that a playground taunt travels through that smaller heart and lands square in yours, stinging and burning like fire. I didn't know that motherhood makes lionesses of us all and that there'd be days I'd have to bite my tongue and pray to not sin.
5. I didn't know how exhausting it is, being a mother. I didn't know that it takes everything you've got and then some. Didn't know the bone-deep exhaustion; how it strips you bare and shows how selfish you can be, but, too, that you have more strength than you know.
6. I didn't know, playing house, how much joy mothers feel; joy so big that it makes up for the pain. Just looking at those eyes and the curve of the cheek can make you so happy it hurts. Watching them grow and find their talent and win at something...all the money in the world can never buy that kind of happiness.
7. I didn't know how making babies and raising them, how it binds you to their father. I didn't know the intimacy you feel when your eyes meet above those tousled heads, and your smiles say, "Just look at what we've done."
8. That girl in the homemade dress, she didn't know that letting go is one of the hardest things a grown-up mama will ever do. Rocking those babies in that small rocking chair, she didn't really know that babies grow up and walk away and there goes your heart, out into the big, wide world. No one told her that part.
9. I had no idea how rewarding it is, being a mother. How the happiness that comes from boy kisses and awkward hugs can't be bought or sold. How proud you feel when you see what they're growing up to be and that all the planting and pruning and watering and feeding is finally making fruit!
10. I didn't know how much my babies would enrich my spiritual life or how they would change the way I pray. I didn't realize they would lead me to a deeper dependence on the Heavenly Father or how I much I would need His wisdom to raise them aright.
These are things I didn't know before I was a mother. But I know them now. Oh, how I know them now! And I’d do it all again.
Rhonda Schrock lives in Northern Indiana with her husband and 4 sons, ages 22, 18, 13, and 5. By day, she is a telecommuting medical transcriptionist. In the early morning hours, she flees to a local coffee shop where she pens “Grounds for Insanity,” a weekly column that appears in The Goshen News. She is an occasional guest columnist in The Hutch News. She’s also blogged professionally for her son’s school of choice, Bethel College, in addition to humor and parenting blogs, and maintains her personal blog, “The Natives are Getting Restless.” She is a writer and editor for the magazine, "Cooking & Such: Adventures in Plain Living." She survives and thrives on prayer, mochas, and books.
Exciting News – the latest Pearl Girls book, Mother of Pearl: Luminous Legacies and Iridescent Faith will be released this month! Please visit the Pearl Girls Facebook Page (and LIKE us!) for more information! Thanks so much for your support!
Friday, May 11, 2012
Book Review, Blog Tour, and Prizes~Beyond Hope's Valley
About Beyond Hope's Valley, book 3 in the Big Sky Series: After an extended stay in Montana, where Amish traditions are different than in her home state, Marianna Sommer returns to Indiana for two reasons, first to help her brother and his girlfriend prepare for a baby and their wedding. Second, to plan her own wedding to Aaron Zook -- a marriage she’s been dreaming about ever since childhood. And yet, although she had missed the idyllic farms and families of her upbringing, Marianna is surprised that Indiana is somehow making her long now for Montana. As months pass, secrets that were hidden in winter’s frozen grasp thaw and take on a life of their own. The truths about a child, about a past relationship, and about God’s plans are being revealed. Walking through a valley of questions, Marianna must hold on to hope as she decides where and with whom her heart truly belongs.
My review: Tricia Goyer is a talented storyteller. I enjoyed the first two books of the Big Sky series so much, I had a hard time being patient for the third book to come out! It far exceeded my expectations. The characters are so realistic, and the author painted the Montana location so well I felt like I was there!The characters and storyline of this series is very different than any other Amish series I've read, and I've read a lot! Marianna was a sweet amish girl trying to do what her parents and faith dictated, but she has strong feelings for an Englisher. In this book she is struggling to follow her heart and to follow God's will for her life. I was sad to see Beyond Hope's Valley be the end of this series, but Ms. Goyer did a wonderful job of wrapping everything up-a beautiful story! I look forward to reading more of Tricia Goyer's books, and HIGHLY recommend Beyond Hope's Valley and the rest of the Big Sky series!
About Tricia: Tricia Goyer is the award winning author of thirty-two books including Beside Still Waters, Remembering You, and the mommy memoir, Blue Like Play Dough. Tricia is a regular speaker at conventions and conferences and is the host of Living Inspired. She and her family make their home in Little Rock, Arkansas where they are part of the ministry of FamilyLife.
More info: Living Inspired and
Purchase Beyond Hope's Valley
To read more reviews from this blog tour, click here.
Win a Custom Amish Prize Pack!!
Win a Custom Amish Prize Pack from @TriciaGoyer in her Beyond Hope's Valley Giveaway! RSVP for All Things Amish Party {5/21}! Celebrate with Tricia and enter to win a custom-made Amish Wall hanging in the colors of your choice ... and much more!One fortunate winner will receive:
- Custom Amish Wall Hanging {You choose the colors!}
- An Amish Doll {Sweet.}
- Amish-made basket {It’s picnic season!}
- Doilies, potholder and an Amish cookbook {All items form Bird-in-Hand, PA!}
- Three book Big Sky Amish series {Be swept away by this captivating series.}
Enter today by clicking one of the icons below. But hurry, the giveaway ends on May 20th. Winner will be announced at "All Things Amish" Author Chat Facebook Party on 5/21. Tricia will be hosting an author chat (on Facebook and Live from her website) and giving away books, gift certificates and more!
So grab your copy of Beyond Hope's Valley and join Tricia on the evening of the May 21st for a fun chat, trivia contest (How much do you know about the Amish?) and lots of giveaways. (If you haven't read the book - don't let that stop you from coming!)
Don't miss a moment of the fun. RSVP today and tell your friends via FACEBOOK or TWITTER and increase your chances of winning. Hope to see you on the 21st!
*Disclaimer: I received this book from Litfuse Publicity Group in exchange for my honest review.
Mother of Pearl~Day 5

Welcome to Pearl Girls™ Mother of Pearl Mother's Day blog series - a week long celebration of moms and mothering. Each day will feature a new post by some of today's best writer's (Tricia Goyer, Sheila Walsh, Suzanne Woods Fisher, Bonnie St. John, and more). I hope you'll join us each day for another unique perspective on Mother's Day.
AND ... do enter the contest for a chance to win a beautiful hand crafted pearl necklace. To enter, just {CLICK THIS LINK} and fill out the short form. Contest runs 5/6-5/13 and the winner will on 5/14. Contest is only open to US and Canadian residents.
If you are unfamiliar with Pearl Girls™, please visit and see what we're all about. In short, we exist to support the work of charities that help women and children in the US and around the globe. Consider purchasing a copy of Pearl Girls: Encountering Grit, Experiencing Grace or one of the Pearl Girls™ products (all GREAT Mother's Day gifts!) to help support Pearl Girls.
And to all you MOMS out there, Happy Mother's Day!
Stepping Out on Faith by Bonnie St. John
"Darcy . . .”
“Yeah, Mom?”
I momentarily held the undivided attention of my teenage daughter. Her thumbs, free of their ubiquitous texting keypad, quietly dangled by her side. Her computer and its omnipresent Facebook page were completely out of sight. I had almost forgotten what she looked like without all these adolescent accoutrements. As we sat down together on the burgundy leather sofa in our living room, I realized this fleeting state of electronic dislocation was my chance to hatch a plan I had been formu- lating for the past several weeks. Carpe diem.
“How would you like to write a book together?”
“About what?” I asked my mom. Write a book? This was a real surprise. I felt a bit suspicious, but still curious. I love to write, and Mom kept telling me I was really good at it. I like writing poetry, fantasy, and sci-fi, though. The books Mom wrote were all nonfiction. I wondered what we could possibly do together.
“Well . . .” I hesitated. If I wanted her to commit to any extra work out- side her busy schedule at school—not to mention work alongside her mother—I had to make this really great. “It would be about women as leaders,” I continued, “a mother-daughter investigation into leadership styles and structures.”
“Leadership?” I blurted. It came out as if I had a bad taste in my mouth—which I did. I couldn’t imagine a more boring topic to write about. What is there to say about leadership anyway? When you’re in charge, you just get things done, right? Who wants to talk about that?
Her furrowed brow told me I was losing her fast. “Um . . . we could find women leaders all around the world!” I said impulsively, frantically casting the ultimate bait.
“Really? Would we get to travel a lot?” I hadn’t thought about that. Heck, I’d write about the mating habits of tsetse flies if I got to go to Africa to do it!
But this project wasn’t just about the influence it would have on Darcy. I wanted to do something that could have a potent impact on an alarming trend I had witnessed in workplaces across the country: far too many women appeared to be making a choice not to apply for top leadership positions when presented with the opportunities to do so.
This project, then, was a bit of a Trojan horse. On the one hand, the saga of a mother-daughter journey could seduce female readers, who might never bother to read the Harvard Business School dissertations on the subject, into a meaningful conversation about leadership. At the same time, if Darcy met a series of brilliant, accomplished women— people even a cynical teen would be in awe of—perhaps they could tell her all the things I’d like her to know—and more.
And she just might listen.
But where to start? How would we make it work? I suggested we do most of our research by phone, as I did for How Strong Women Pray. My telephone interviews with a governor, some CEOs, actors, sports figures, a college president, and others yielded great stories and information. I promised my intrepid co-author, though, that we could punctuate these conversations with a few visits in person to exciting and exotic places—all with reasonably priced airfares.
“Why don’t we follow each subject as she goes about her daily life? That way our readers get to come along with us and get a behind- the-scenes look at what happens to them. Instead of just a boring interview, we—and our readers—get to hang around with these women, see them in their natural habitat, and even see how other people treat them.”
Although I agreed it was a wonderful approach, this idea of “job- shadowing” each featured subject wasn’t going to be easy. Would these high-powered, important women deign to allow us that kind of access? Would they be able to impart the kind of wisdom that would resonate with our readers and truly make a difference in their lives? We looked at each other, both of us hooked on a crazy idea that we weren’t sure we could pull off.
“It sounds impossible, Darcy,” I said. “We might as well get started.”
And so, we stepped out . . . on faith.

Re-printed with permission from How Great Women Lead by Bonnie St. John and Darcy Deane
Exciting News – the latest Pearl Girls book, Mother of Pearl: Luminous Legacies and Iridescent Faith will be released this month! Please visit the Pearl Girls Facebook Page (and LIKE us!) for more information! Thanks so much for your support!
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Mother of Pearl~Day 4

Welcome to Pearl Girls™ Mother of Pearl Mother's Day blog series - a week long celebration of moms and mothering. Each day will feature a new post by some of today's best writer's (Tricia Goyer, Sheila Walsh, Suzanne Woods Fisher, Bonnie St. John, and more). I hope you'll join us each day for another unique perspective on Mother's Day.
AND ... do enter the contest for a chance to win a beautiful hand crafted pearl necklace. To enter, just {CLICK THIS LINK} and fill out the short form. Contest runs 5/6-5/13 and the winner will on 5/14. Contest is only open to US and Canadian residents.
If you are unfamiliar with Pearl Girls™, please visit and see what we're all about. In short, we exist to support the work of charities that help women and children in the US and around the globe. Consider purchasing a copy of Pearl Girls: Encountering Grit, Experiencing Grace or one of the Pearl Girls™ products (all GREAT Mother's Day gifts!) to help support Pearl Girls.
And to all you MOMS out there, Happy Mother's Day!
What I Am Not by Tricia Goyer
Becoming a mother is a complicated thing. Not only am I trying to negotiate a relationship with my child, I am trying to negotiate a relationship with myself as I attempt to determine how I mother, how I feel about mothering, how I want to mother and how I wish I was mothered.
— Andrea J. Buchanan, in Mother Shock3
Sometimes the easiest way to discover who we are is to know who we are not.
• We are not our children. We all know mothers who go overboard trying to make themselves look good by making their children look great. I saw one woman on the Oprah television show who had bought her preschool daughter more than twelve pairs of black shoes just so the girl could have different styles to go with her numerous outfits! Just as we -don’t get report cards for mothering, we also -don’t get graded on our child’s looks or accomplishments. While you want your children to do their best and succeed in life, your self-esteem -shouldn’t be wrapped up in your child.
Life as I See It:
My individuality will never end. There will be no one exactly like me, not even my child. She will be like me in some ways, but not at all in others. I -wouldn’t have it any other way.
— Desiree, Texas
• We are not our mothers. I remember the first time I heard my mother’s voice coming out of my mouth. The words “because I told you so . . .” escaped before I had a chance to squelch them.
It’s not until we have kids that we truly understand our mothers — all their frets, their nagging, and their worries.
It’s also then that we truly understand their love.
Since you are now a mother, it’s good to think back on how you were raised. If there were traditions or habits that now seem wise and useful, incorporate them into your parenting. You also have permission to sift out things you now know -weren’t good. Just because you’re a product of your mother, that -doesn’t mean you have to turn out just like her. Repeat after me, “I am not my mother.”
• We are not like any other mother out there. Sometimes you may feel like the world’s worst mother. After all, your friend never yells at her son — and sometimes you do. Then again, your friend may feel bad because you have a wonderful bedtime routine that includes stories and songs. In many cases, the moms you feel inferior to only look like they have it together. All moms feel they -don’t “measure up.” Instead of feeling unworthy, we should realize that everyone has strengths and weaknesses. The key is where we place our focus.
The Bible says, “Let’s just go ahead and be what we were made to be, without . . . comparing ourselves with each other, or trying to be something we -aren’t” (Romans 12:5 – 6, MESSAGE).
The problem with comparison is, we always measure our weaknesses against the strengths of others.
Instead, we need to thank God for our strengths. We can also ask God to help us overcome our weaknesses — not because we want to compare ourselves, or look good in someone else’s eyes, but because we want to be the best mom out there.
Tricia Goyer is a CBA best-selling author and the winner of two American Christian Fiction Writers’ Book of the Year Awards (Night Song and Dawn of a Thousand Nights). She co-wrote 3:16 Teen Edition with Max Lucado and contributed to the Women of Faith Study Bible. Also a noted marriage and parenting writer, she lives with her husband and children in Arkansas. You can find her online at or at her weekly radio show, Living Inspired.
Exciting News – the latest Pearl Girls book, Mother of Pearl: Luminous Legacies and Iridescent Faith will be released this month! Please visit the Pearl Girls Facebook Page (and LIKE us!) for more information! Thanks so much for your support!
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Oprah Magazine only $10!!
As a Purex Insider, I occasionally have the privilege of passing on great deals to my readers!! Now through May 25th, you can get 1 full year of Oprah Magazine for only $10!! This is the best price around. Click here to get your subscription started! Happy reading!
Mother of Pearl~Day 3

Welcome to Pearl Girls™ Mother of Pearl Mother's Day blog series - a week long celebration of moms and mothering. Each day will feature a new post by some of today's best writer's (Tricia Goyer, Sheila Walsh, Suzanne Woods Fisher, Bonnie St. John, and more). I hope you'll join us each day for another unique perspective on Mother's Day.
AND ... do enter the contest for a chance to win a beautiful hand crafted pearl necklace. To enter, just {CLICK THIS LINK} and fill out the short form. Contest runs 5/6-5/13 and the winner will on 5/14. Contest is only open to US and Canadian residents.
If you are unfamiliar with Pearl Girls™, please visit and see what we're all about. In short, we exist to support the work of charities that help women and children in the US and around the globe. Consider purchasing a copy of Pearl Girls: Encountering Grit, Experiencing Grace or one of the Pearl Girls™ products (all GREAT Mother's Day gifts!) to help support Pearl Girls.
And to all you MOMS out there, Happy Mother's Day!
She’s…My Everything by Suzanne Woods Fisher
“A mother is one who can take the place of all others, but whose place no one else can take.”
--Cardinal Mermillod
Just a few more months. My mother was hoping Dad would hang on long enough so they could celebrate their sixtieth wedding anniversary in April. But on January 1st, as the sun rose on the new year, my dad’s worn out heart beat its last. Dad had battled Alzheimer’s Disease for ten years. As many of you know, AD is a long, hard journey. Hard on the one afflicted with the disease, hard on the caregivers.
But not without its blessings.
Four years ago, as I began researching stories for Amish Peace: Simple Wisdom for a Complicated World, my path crossed with a handful of Plain families who were coping with Alzheimer’s. It was just about the point when Dad’s illness was shifting from early to mid stages AD and the timing was a divine accident. I learned so much as I observed the calm acceptance of these families. Rather than waste time shaking a fist at God for allowing this disease to take their loved one, they put their energy into trusting God’s sovereignty. They didn’t deny the difficulties and complications and sadness of Alzheimer’s, but they didn’t dwell on them. “God has a plan,” one woman told me. “He always has a plan.”
Something else I noticed was how privileged my Amish friends felt about caring for their loved one. Caring for the elderly, they believe, is the time to give back to them.
Those encounters shaped my perspective of Dad’s illness. I started to pay attention to how God provided answers to new wrinkles created by Alzheimer’s, just in time. God may be slow, but He is never late.
I started to cherish special moments or good days with Dad—just as he was at each point in his illness. Not mourning the past, not dreading the future.
I really miss my dad. I miss his scratchy whiskers and the way his eyebrows would wiggle at us, even as words failed him. Yet I have such peace in my heart that he was well loved and well cared for, right to the very end. And as hard as Dad’s end of life has been, it isn’t the end. We will meet again. As the saying goes, “Some may see a hopeless end, but as believers we rejoice in an endless hope.”
There’s a beautiful story that illustrates my parents’ 59-year marriage. This event happened about a year or two ago. My sister had accompanied our mother to the doctor appointment for Dad at the Stanford Memory Clinic.
Dad had declined quite a bit that month. He was weak and lethargic, even to the point of whispering, as if it took too much energy to project his voice. During the doctor's appointment, the doctor told my mother and sister that Dad was now in late stages of Alzheimer's. Dad didn’t have much vocabulary left, but when the doctor asked him who mom was, he whispered something back. The doctor looked at Mom and asked, "Did you hear what he just said?"
Mom shook her head.
"When I asked him who you were, he whispered, 'She' everything.'"
Suzanne Woods Fisher is a writer of bestselling fiction and non-fiction books about the Old Order Amish. Her interest in the Plain People began with her grandfather, W. D. Benedict, who was raised Plain. Suzanne is the host of Amish Wisdom, a weekly radio program on, and writes a bi-monthly column for Christian Post. Suzanne can be found on-line at
Re-printed with permission by Cooking & Such,
Exciting News – the latest Pearl Girls book, Mother of Pearl: Luminous Legacies and Iridescent Faith will be released this month! Please visit the Pearl Girls Facebook Page (and LIKE us!) for more information! Thanks so much for your support!
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Mother of Pearl~Day 2

Welcome to Pearl Girls™ Mother of Pearl Mother's Day blog series - a week long celebration of moms and mothering. Each day will feature a new post by some of today's best writer's (Tricia Goyer, Sheila Walsh, Suzanne Woods Fisher, Bonnie St. John, and more). I hope you'll join us each day for another unique perspective on Mother's Day.
AND ... do enter the contest for a chance to win a beautiful hand crafted pearl necklace. To enter, just {CLICK THIS LINK} and fill out the short form. Contest runs 5/6-5/13 and the winner will on 5/14. Contest is only open to US and Canadian residents.
If you are unfamiliar with Pearl Girls™, please visit and see what we're all about. In short, we exist to support the work of charities that help women and children in the US and around the globe. Consider purchasing a copy of Pearl Girls: Encountering Grit, Experiencing Grace or one of the Pearl Girls™ products (all GREAT Mother's Day gifts!) to help support Pearl Girls.
And to all you MOMS out there, Happy Mother's Day!
Joy Comes from Perseverance by Sheila Walsh
One of the most important lessons I have learned in my own life is the joy that comes from perseverance. Eugene Peterson, borrowing a phrase from Friedrich Nietzsche, wrote his book “A Long Obedience in the Same Direction …Discipleship in an Instant Society.” He points to the Psalms as the way believers have always learned to pray what they live and live what they pray but it is not a short journey. It is an intentional commitment to keep walking even when you are worn out.
*If we want to see lasting results in any area of life it’s important to keep walking in that direction.
*If we want to have a better understanding of the Gospel of John then it takes time and commitment to dig deeper day after day.
*If we want to be thinner this summer than last summer then the work begins now not then.
So too in our relationship with Christ…..
*If we want to know Him at a more profoundly intimate level, that also takes an intentional seeking after Him every day.
As a grown woman I have come to love the beauty of this gift. Passing this “mined treasure” onto my son on the other hand has been an interesting challenge. We live in such a fast paced, attention-challenged culture where the latest thing can be delivered to your doorstep by tomorrow for a few dollars more. But, as you know, by the time it is delivered it has already been replaced or updated!
How do we speak then into the lives of our children to help them understand and value perseverance?
For me…part of the puzzle meant a large piece of poster board, scissors, some photos and a bottle of Elmer’s glue. My son, Christian and I spread everything out on a sheet in the game room as I explained our project. “We’re going to make a family faith-tree,” I said. “These are photos of family on your dad’s side and on mine. Many of them have gone on to be with Jesus but the seeds they planted into our family continue to grow.” Then we wrote down their names and when they came to faith in Christ (as many as I knew). It was quite something to see when we were finished.
“Your life matters Christian. Running your race well matters.”
That night we read these words from the writer to the Hebrews,
“We are surrounded by a great cloud of people whose lives tell us what faith means. So let us run the race that is before us and never give up.”
Hebrews 12:1 (NCV)
Sheila Walsh is a Bible teacher, speaker, singer, and best-selling author with more than 4 million books sold. Sheila Walsh is the creator of the award-winning Gigi, God’s Little Princess® and her new series, Gabby, God's Little Angel. Meet Gabby in Gabby's Stick-to-It-Day. As a featured speaker with Women of Faith®, Sheila has reached more than 3.5 million women by artistically combining honesty, vulnerability and humor with God’s Word. She resides in Dallas with her husband Barry and son Christian. Visit for more information about Sheila, her other books or Women of Faith.
Exciting News – the latest Pearl Girls book, Mother of Pearl: Luminous Legacies and Iridescent Faith will be released this month! Please visit the Pearl Girls Facebook Page (and LIKE us!) for more information! Thanks so much for your support!
Monday, May 7, 2012
Mother of Pearl~Day 1
This week, leading up to Mother's Day, I'm participating in The Mother of Pearl series, which is a different daily post written by famous authors, and ends with a pearl necklace giveaway-you can enter anytime this week, and the giveaway ends on Mother's Day!
Today's post is really beautiful! Enjoy!

Welcome to Pearl Girls™ Mother of Pearl Mother's Day blog series - a week long celebration of moms and mothering. Each day will feature a new post by some of today's best writer's (Tricia Goyer, Sheila Walsh, Suzanne Woods Fisher, Bonnie St. John, and more). I hope you'll join us each day for another unique perspective on Mother's Day.
AND ... do enter the contest for a chance to win a beautiful hand crafted pearl necklace. To enter, just {CLICK THIS LINK} and fill out the short form. Contest runs 5/6-5/13 and the winner will on 5/14. Contest is only open to US and Canadian residents.
If you are unfamiliar with Pearl Girls™, please visit and see what we're all about. In short, we exist to support the work of charities that help women and children in the US and around the globe. Consider purchasing a copy of Pearl Girls: Encountering Grit, Experiencing Grace or one of the Pearl Girls™ products (all GREAT Mother's Day gifts!) to help support Pearl Girls.
And to all you MOMS out there, Happy Mother's Day!
Priceless Treasure by Cindy K. Stiverson
We've heard it said and often find it true:
You don't know the value of a treasure until you're without it.
We take for granted the things in life that seem so readily available.
A paperclip or rubber band, to hold things together.
A tissue or napkin, to wipe our nose to clean our face, to absorb our tears.
A Bible to speak words of wisdom and instruction and life and love.
And a Mother, who is all these things and more.
She is readily available.
She holds things together.
She wipes our nose, cleans our face (and our fingers, and, well…everything else!)
She absorbs our tears and calms our fears.
"She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue." (Proverbs 31:26)
She loves.
Within hours after my mother passed into the gates of our heavenly home, I was missing her. Her quick wit…humor…charm. Her warm smile and melodious laughter, which served her well to the very end, as did our Lord Jesus Christ, who so graciously allowed her to slip quietly and peacefully into His arms.
She simply stopped breathing.
As I stood at her bedside in those priceless moments after her passing, I wanted to touch her skin as much as possible while there was still warmth in her body; to nuzzle my nose against her head and breathe in the scent of her hair while she was still there. Priceless treasures I was guilty of taking for granted, clouded by unmet needs. I was so consumed with what she was not, that I never fully appreciated who she was. It’s like I was blind, but now I see!
I see her strength, her commitment. Her perseverance…sacrifice…her unspoken love. I see how much she meant to me, how much she did for me, how much she taught me, and how much of the good in me was modeled by her.
She was a virtuous woman, as described in Proverbs 31 of the Bible.
“Her children stand and bless her… a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised. Reward her for all she has done. Let her deeds publicly declare her praise (vs. 31).”
This last verse of the poem serves as an epitaph for the woman of virtue. It speaks of the legacy she leaves in her passing. It spurred me to write a personal epitaph for my mother, which I read at her funeral.
With the reading of this poem, I asked everyone to stand. We clapped our hands in celebration and praise of the life of my mother, Margaret Alice Stiltner.
Imagine our surprise to discover that she had left a poetic epitaph for us! She had clipped it from an old magazine and framed it. I found it when I was cleaning her home, on a nightstand by her bed. My mother was never versed at expressing emotion. This was her sweet way of kissing us good-bye: a priceless treasure to remember her by.
Cynthia (Cindy) Stiverson is a speaker, writer, and artist. In 1998, she founded Woven: Women of Virtue Network, a spiritual formation and friendship ministry. She pastors the women at Newark Church of the Nazarene in Ohio. She is currently working on her fourth Woven Workbook, and also a book for mothers and daughters on the subject of sexual abuse. Cindy considers raising her daughter, speaker/author Nicole Braddock Bromley, to be her greatest achievement. She loves the men in her life, hubby Mark, grandbabes Jude and Isaac, and son-in-law Matthew. You can find more of Cindy at and
Exciting News – the latest Pearl Girls book, Mother of Pearl: Luminous Legacies and Iridescent Faith will be released this month! Please visit the Pearl Girls Facebook Page (and LIKE us!) for more information! Thanks so much for your support!

Welcome to Pearl Girls™ Mother of Pearl Mother's Day blog series - a week long celebration of moms and mothering. Each day will feature a new post by some of today's best writer's (Tricia Goyer, Sheila Walsh, Suzanne Woods Fisher, Bonnie St. John, and more). I hope you'll join us each day for another unique perspective on Mother's Day.
AND ... do enter the contest for a chance to win a beautiful hand crafted pearl necklace. To enter, just {CLICK THIS LINK} and fill out the short form. Contest runs 5/6-5/13 and the winner will on 5/14. Contest is only open to US and Canadian residents.
If you are unfamiliar with Pearl Girls™, please visit and see what we're all about. In short, we exist to support the work of charities that help women and children in the US and around the globe. Consider purchasing a copy of Pearl Girls: Encountering Grit, Experiencing Grace or one of the Pearl Girls™ products (all GREAT Mother's Day gifts!) to help support Pearl Girls.
And to all you MOMS out there, Happy Mother's Day!
Priceless Treasure by Cindy K. Stiverson
We've heard it said and often find it true:
You don't know the value of a treasure until you're without it.
We take for granted the things in life that seem so readily available.
A paperclip or rubber band, to hold things together.
A tissue or napkin, to wipe our nose to clean our face, to absorb our tears.
A Bible to speak words of wisdom and instruction and life and love.
And a Mother, who is all these things and more.
She is readily available.
She holds things together.
She wipes our nose, cleans our face (and our fingers, and, well…everything else!)
She absorbs our tears and calms our fears.
"She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue." (Proverbs 31:26)
She loves.
Within hours after my mother passed into the gates of our heavenly home, I was missing her. Her quick wit…humor…charm. Her warm smile and melodious laughter, which served her well to the very end, as did our Lord Jesus Christ, who so graciously allowed her to slip quietly and peacefully into His arms.
She simply stopped breathing.
As I stood at her bedside in those priceless moments after her passing, I wanted to touch her skin as much as possible while there was still warmth in her body; to nuzzle my nose against her head and breathe in the scent of her hair while she was still there. Priceless treasures I was guilty of taking for granted, clouded by unmet needs. I was so consumed with what she was not, that I never fully appreciated who she was. It’s like I was blind, but now I see!
I see her strength, her commitment. Her perseverance…sacrifice…her unspoken love. I see how much she meant to me, how much she did for me, how much she taught me, and how much of the good in me was modeled by her.
She was a virtuous woman, as described in Proverbs 31 of the Bible.
“Her children stand and bless her… a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised. Reward her for all she has done. Let her deeds publicly declare her praise (vs. 31).”
This last verse of the poem serves as an epitaph for the woman of virtue. It speaks of the legacy she leaves in her passing. It spurred me to write a personal epitaph for my mother, which I read at her funeral.
We publicly declare your praise today,
and in the days to come,
for you deserve to be praised and blessed,
"We honor you, Mom, for all you have done!"
In my earliest of memories,
You worked so hard, striving for the rest.
You persevered through great trials
and did your very best.
I know you are being rewarded
in ways far beyond our reach.
We honor you now by practicing what you've taught,
and even what you preached!
You've stood for us for all these years,
Today, we stand for you!
I pray that our applause on earth
will reach your heavenly ears.
With the reading of this poem, I asked everyone to stand. We clapped our hands in celebration and praise of the life of my mother, Margaret Alice Stiltner.
Imagine our surprise to discover that she had left a poetic epitaph for us! She had clipped it from an old magazine and framed it. I found it when I was cleaning her home, on a nightstand by her bed. My mother was never versed at expressing emotion. This was her sweet way of kissing us good-bye: a priceless treasure to remember her by.
Cynthia (Cindy) Stiverson is a speaker, writer, and artist. In 1998, she founded Woven: Women of Virtue Network, a spiritual formation and friendship ministry. She pastors the women at Newark Church of the Nazarene in Ohio. She is currently working on her fourth Woven Workbook, and also a book for mothers and daughters on the subject of sexual abuse. Cindy considers raising her daughter, speaker/author Nicole Braddock Bromley, to be her greatest achievement. She loves the men in her life, hubby Mark, grandbabes Jude and Isaac, and son-in-law Matthew. You can find more of Cindy at and
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