We've been using Zane Education for the past few months at our house. What is Zane Education? It is the world's largest and most comprehensive library of fully subtitled educational videos currently available online. Zane offers over 1500 curriculum-based online educational videos for 11 different subjects and 260+ curriculum topics. These videos are for grades K-12, and I can see adults learning a lot from many of the videos as well! Zane Education videos are perfect for the visual learner, and can be used by schools and home educators for all students, including special needs, ESL, and gifted. Subjects available are:
*Library Skills
*Religious Studies
*Social Studies
Zane Education does not just offer videos. They have an online quiz database of over 23,000 curriculum-based multiple choice questions, lesson plans, and a Study Center full of resources. Zane Education is aligned to state and national standards.
Research has shown that there is a powerful link between the use of subtitles on video to improve children's reading and literacy skills. It makes sense-with a struggling reader, I have seen that watching the words on screen along with the video is very helpful. Zane education calls this use of subtitles and closed captioning as 'The Missing Piece'.
There are a variety of pricing and membership options. The options are:
Basic membership: Free
Topic Taster membership: $5/month
Bronze Membership (all videos in a subject): $8.99/month or $98.89/year
Silver Membership (all videos for an age/grade): $12.99/month or $142.89/year
Gold Membership (access to everything): $17.99/month or $197.89/year
*Through August 31, use the code ZE855HSM to get a 35% discount on any annual Gold, Silver, or Bronze membership subscription!
We've had a very positive experience with Zane Education. Chad has enjoyed the videos, and I have a great example of how helpful they can be: Here in Utah, July 24th is Pioneer Day, the day our state celebrates the Mormon pioneers arriving here. We have lived here 8 years and only know the very basics of the history. Our daughter Alyssa was a dancer in a production depicting the pioneers travels, and before we left to watch the production I had Chad watch a few videos on pioneers and the Mormon migration. It was helpful for him-during the pageant he was pointing out things that were similar to what he had watched, and I think he enjoyed it more.
Negatives for our home were that videos can be from a secular standpiont (e.g evolution instead of creation), and I would have liked to be able to enlarge the videos to full screen. There is a 424-page Christian Home Learning Guide (reg priced $49.95) that is yours free with an annual subscription.
There is SO MUCH information Zane offers. To make the most of your experience, I suggest downloading their various 'Getting Started' and User Guides. To learn more about the Zane education philosophy, click on their Learn about Us page. They also have an FAQ page to answer your questions, and be sure to visit/like them on Facebook. To read more crew reviews of Zane Education, click on this button:

*Disclaimer: I recieved a Gold Membership to Zane Education in exchange for my honest review. All opinions expressed are my own.