icRKphJXQm-ezth8lntKydifkDg The Loose Screw: January 2013

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Try a New Recipe Tuesday~Swedish Apple Pie

This recipe came from Pat-a friend of my Mom's.  It's super easy and quick-great for using up apples!

Swedish Apple Pie

Fill a pie dish 3/4 full of peeled, sliced apples.
Sprinkle apples with 1 Tablespoon sugar and 1 teaspoon cinnamon.
In a bowl, mix 3/4 cup sugar, 1 cup flour, 1 egg, 3/4 cup melted butter, 1 pinch salt, and (if desired) 1/2 cup nuts (I don't include the nuts)
Spread mixture on top of apples.
Bake at 350 for approximately 45 minutes, until turning golden brown on top.

Now go on over and check out all the other great recipes linking up today:

Book Review~Secretly Smitten

About Secretly Smitten

Summer, fall, winter, spring-Smitten, Vermont, is the place for love . . . and mystery!

"There's a secret in Grandma Rose's attic-a forgotten set of dog tags belonging to her first love. But David Hutchins was killed in action and never returned to Smitten. How did the dog tags end up in the attic?
The mystery intrigues Rose's three granddaughters-Tess, Clare, and Zoe-and they decide to investigate, though their mother, Anna, warns against meddling. But as the seasons turn and the mystery unravels, the three young women and their mother encounter some intriguing mystery men of their own. Has a sixty-year-old puzzle sparked something new for this close-knit family of women?"

Meet "The Gals":  
   RITA-finalist Colleen Coble is the author of several best-selling romantic suspense novels, including "Tidewater Inn", and the Mercy Falls, Lonestar, and Rock Harbor series. * Christy Award finalist and two-time winner of the ACFW Book of the Year award, Kristin Billerbeck has appeared on The Today Show and has been featured in the New York Times. Her books include "A Billion Reasons Why" and "What a Girl Wants." * Denise Hunter is the award-winning and best-selling author of several novels, including "A Cowboy's Touch" and "Sweetwater Gap." She and her husband are raising three boys in Indiana. * Diann Hunt has lived in Indiana forever, been happily married forever, loves her family, chocolate, her friends, her dog, and, well, chocolate. Find out more about Coble, Billerbeck, Hunter, Hunt here.  
Purchase Secretly Smitten at the Thomas Nelson website.  
Read more reviews of Secretly Smitten at the blog tour landing page
What I thought: Secretly Smitten was a fun book.  It centers around the Thomas family of Smitten, Vermont-an idyllic little town where everyone knows each other.  Each of the four stories are intertwined, yet have their own focus of a different main character. There is a mystery that continues throughout all four stories.  The stories are romantic, fun, and have characters that feel like they could be part of your family.  I really couldn't pick a favorite of the four stories, they were all great.  I want to move to Smitten now!
Author Chat Party!

The "gals" are celebrating the release of Secretly Smitten with a fun Live Webcast on February 5th. They'll be debuting the *NEW* animated Smitten trailer, giving away tons of prizes, dishing on the book and their friendship. They'll also be wrapping up the Secretly Smitten blog tour, answering audience questions and testing your trivia skills. Don't miss the fun and bring your friends. Click here to RSVP and set up a reminder.

*Disclosure: I received a copy of this book from Litfuse in exchange for my honest review.

T.R.I.P.-Update #1

Last week, I posted about a new reading program we were starting-you can read that introductory post here.  T.R.I.P. stands for 'Targeted Reading Improvement Program' and helps those with Dyslexia, ADD, ADHD, and special needs  improve their reading skills.  With Chad's Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, and other learning disabilities, he is at about a 1st-2nd grade level in reading, but he is in 4th grade.  I am always eager to try anything that may help him.  Reading has always been so important in my life, and I want him to have that same love and excitement for reading.

To summarize, the T.R.I.P. CD-Rom contains a step-by-step Home Reading Lesson, which shows you how to do the program, and then 20 lessons. Each lesson has three parts: Word Lists, Flashing Practice, and Story Cards.  This program is only $19.99-quite a bargain if you've ever looked into some of the reading programs out there!

So, we have done two lessons so far.  The lessons took us about 20-25 minutes each, and the words were very easy for Chad.  The words will get harder as we go along, so I think it's good he is feeling good about himself with these first lessons.  His favorite part was Flashing Practice-he enjoyed the challenge of trying to remember what word had just flashed up on the screen.  I'm impressed with the program so far, and I'm excited to see how it will go when the words get challenging for Chad.  I'm hoping to see a good improvement in his reading!

Until our next update, check out T.R.I.P at www.buytripnow.com and on Facebook!

*Disclosure: I received this program free of charge as part of the CWA Review Crew. All opinions are my own.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Book Review~A Clearing in the Wild

A Clearing in The Wild is the first book in the Change and Cherish Historical Series by Jane Kirkpatrick.  I had never previously read any of this author's works, but I had heard great things about her novels, so I was excited to dive in!

Based on a true story, A Clearing in the Wild is the story of Emma Wagner, a spirited young lady.  It is the 1850s, and Emma's outspoken ways are frowned upon by their strict colony.  As some of the colony attempts a move to the West, Emma continues to clash with community members, and yearns for her voice to be heard.

A Clearing in the Wild was a wonderful story-I loved it.  I became so wrapped up in the characters, and enjoyed the descriptions of the changing landscape. The history was fascinating, and I could not put this book down!  Included in A Clearing in the Wild are Discussion Questions, a Cast of Characters, a map, and an Interview with Jane Kirkpatrick.  I'm looking forward to getting my hands on the next book in the Change and Cherish series!

Read more about this book and purchase your own copy at the Waterbrook Multnomah website.

*Disclosure: I received this book free from Waterbrook Multnomah Publishing Group  in exchange for my honest review.

Movie Review and Giveaway~Abel's Field

About Abel's Field
"Left motherless by tragedy and abandoned by his father, high school senior Seth McArdle (Samuel Davis) faces enormous pressure as he strives to support his little sisters. At school, he endures the daily bullying of the football team. But fighting back only finds him singled out for punishment and assigned to an after-school work detail under the supervision of the reserved groundskeeper, Abel (SOUL SURFER’S Kevin Sorbo). Much to his surprise, Seth discovers that Abel may be the only one who truly understands his struggles. As dark times lure Seth toward desperate measures, the reluctant Abel may be the one person who can point him back toward the light."

Abel's Field was released on January 22, 2013 by AFFIRM Films/Provident Films

What I Thought
I watched Abel's Field with my son Chad, who is 10 years old.  In the first few moments of the movie, he said, "If I think this is boring, can I leave the room?".  I told him he didn't have to watch it with me if he thought it was boring, but to just give it a few minutes first before deciding.  Well, he stayed for the entire movie!  We both really enjoyed it-one of those heartfelt movies that has tough life situations in it, along with a message.  Abel's Field is definitely a movie to watch with the entire family!  Here's your chance to win a copy: 

The Giveaway!!!!

"Disclosure of Material Connection: I received one or more of the products or services mentioned above for free in hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Book Review~Grace Given by Beth Shriver

This week, the
Christian Fiction Blog Alliance
is introducing
Grace Given
Realms (January 8, 2013)
Beth Shriver


Childhood memories of her grandfather's ranch came alive as Beth wrote her first Amish story. Her parents grew up in the country, so she appreciates pastoral life and respects those who make a living off the land. She visits a nearby Amish community just south of Fort-Worth for an occasional church service or brunch with the bishop and his wife. And on the way home she stops at the community store to get some plum jam!

Beth received a degree in social work and psychology from the University of Nebraska. She worked as a caseworker for Boulder County Department of Social Services before starting a family. Beth and her husband, two children, along with two cats and a beagle live in Texas after moving from their first home in Colorado. She freelances for the local papers in her area and writes columns, devotionals for magazines, and novels in a variety of genres in both fiction and nonfiction. Beth is represented by Tamela Hancock Murray of the Steve Laube Literary Agency.


“Never doubt in the darkness what God has shown you in the light.” —Amish Proverb

Elsie Kline can’t forgive her sister for leaving the community. Gideon Lapp helps Elsie through her bitterness by studying the Martyr’s Mirror book that is centuries old, describing their ancestors’ sacrifice for their faith. But he feels there is something more. When the community moved to Texas, they were not welcomed by some of the locals. They have told Katie and Elsie that harm will come to their community if don’t go back up north where they came from. Gideon stays by Elsie’s side as she learns to give grace and to humble herself to accept grace as well. “Beth has a heart for helping others, whether through her nonfiction and fiction writing or in other capacities. It has been my pleasure to read and respond to her work during the past few years of knowing her.” —Leanna Ellis, Author of Facelift and Forsaken and winner of the National Readers Choice Award.

If you would like to read the first chapter of Grace Given, go HERE.

~Wordless Wednesday-Brother and Sister~

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

We're going on a T.R.I.P.!

We're going on a T.R.I.P.!  No, not the kind of trip you're thinking. TRIP stands for 'Targeted Reading Improvement Program', and was created by Walter C. Waid and Jordan H. Price, teachers with a combined total of 40 years experience working with Dyslexic, ADD, ADHD, and special needs students.

I recently received my DVD as part of the CWA Review Crew, and watched the Home Reading Lesson, which is a lesson showing you how to use the program.  I was impressed!  TRIP contains 20 lessons to complete with your child on the computer, each consisting of three parts: Word Lists, Flashing Practice, and Story Cards.

As I've mentioned before, Chad has Dyslexia, along with other learning difficulties.  He struggles with reading, and I'm hopeful this program will be helpful to him.  I would really love for him to begin feeling confident with his reading!  We are going to start TRIP this week, and I will post about our progress along the way.  In the meantime, go check out TRIP's website: www.buytripnow.com for more information.

~Try a New Recipe Tuesday!~

My daughter Alyssa heard about this recipe on a video blog she watches, so we thought we'd try it out.  YUMMMMM!  Pretty easy too.

Funfetti Brownies
Prepare Funfetti cake mix in one bowl following package directions
Prepare brownie mix (I used family size) in one bowl following package directions.
Spray 13x9x2 pan.  Put brownie mix in first, then put cake mix on top.
I cooked at 350 for about 45 minutes.  It looked done at about 30 minutes, but I put a toothpick in the center deep down, and since it is so thick it was not done in the middle.
Let cool, enjoy!!

Now I'm going to go check everyone's recipes:

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Book Review~A Love Story: How God Pursued Me and Found Me

ISBN: 978-1-6150-7761-8 | List Price: Hard $22/ Soft $10/ Kindle $5.99 |Format:Hardbound,Softcover or Kindle | Page Count: 108
Summary: "The tale of Samantha Ryan Chandler's life is evocatively portrayed in her book: A Love Story, How God Pursued Me and Found Me. It tells of a life that is as disturbing and unsettling as it is uplifting and, in the end, gratifying. How "A girl from Nowhere, Louisiana" finds her way from such humble beginnings to live and walk amongst presidents and the supremely rich, only to find her trust and faith betrayed by those that she loved and trusted the most. She would be tested to the point where she began to doubt her own sanity and, at the moment of her greatest desperation and doubt, she was found by God and brought back from the brink of hopeless despair. Blessed with an almost unquenchable optimism and a unique sense of humor, she relates the story of a life that will speak to those who have encountered abuse, unfairness and anguish. Her love for her children and her faith in God carried her through a crucible of fire and in the end, made her a better, stronger person, ready to carry on with a life that is again filled with love, joy and laughter. A Love Story, How God Pursued Me and Found Me will both inspire you and touch your heart."
My Thoughts: The author lived a childhood of abuse, eventually finding God as a young adult.  This story tells of her journey at different times in her life.  There are many fascinating stories in A Love Story, and plenty of scripture.  I did have a hard time following the book-the chapters are sometimes very short, and it is choppy and skips around.  I'm sure this wouldn't be a problem for many readers, I just had a hard time keeping track of where we were at in her story.  
Purchase A Love Story at Amazon here.
Visit Samantha Ryan Chandler's website.

I received a free copy of this book/Ebook/Product to review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC Regulations. I am part of The CWA Review Crew.

Review and giveaway~The 5 Money Personalities

I just finished reading The 5 Money Personalities, a new book being released this month by Scott and Bethany Palmer.  This isn't your typical book about budgeting and getting out of debt; this is a very unique book about your personal relationship with money, and how you and your spouse relate to money together.  It was fascinating-I learned a lot about myself!  The 5 Money Personalities is full of great resources too-definitely check out this great tool-Discovering your Money Personality.  You can go to The Money Couple website to find more resources and check out their other helpful books.  

About The 5 Money Personalities

"The hidden key to a healthy relationship is not just managing money but understanding how the other approaches money.

Every couple argues about money. It doesn’t matter if you’ve been married for 40 years or dating for 4 months, money touches every decision you make as a couple—from the $5 cup of coffee to the $50,000 car. And when the two of you don’t see eye-to-eye on how much to spend or how much to save, that’s when arguments turn into ugly toxic fights that leave both persons feeling hurt and angry. It’s why money has become the #1 cause of divorce in the U.S. Obviously, something needs to change. The reason this crisis has not been addressed is because it has never been identified, defined, or given a name. Scott and Bethany Palmer, aka “The Money Couple,” have identified and defined this problem and offer concrete solutions to fix it.
Once you know your Money Personality, you can get to the root of money arguments and start really working together. You’ll discover what has an impact on your loved one’s money decisions, and you’ll learn how to talk about money in a way that’s actually fun! You’ll figure out how to put an end to money secrets and lies once and for all.
It’s not just about money management, and it’s definitely not just about overcoming debt. It is a whole new way of living that will change everything in your relationship. Tens of thousands have already been transformed. Are you ready?"

                Website: http://themoneycouple.com

The Giveaway!!!

One The Loose Screw Reader will win their own copy of The 5 Money Personalities!  

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received one or more of the products or services mentioned above for free in hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Book Review~Path of Freedom

This week, the
Christian Fiction Blog Alliance
is introducing
Path of Freedom
Abingdon Press (January 2013)
Jennifer Hudson Taylor


Jennifer Hudson Taylor is an award winning author of historical Christian fiction set in Europe and the Carolinas and a speaker on topics of faith, writing and publishing. Her debut novel, Highland Blessings, won the 2011 Holt Medallion award for Best First Book. Jennifer's work has appeared in national publications, such as Guideposts, Heritage Quest Magazine, Romantic Times Book Reviews, and The Military Trader. She serves as the in-house Publicist at Hartline Literary Agency and co-owns Upon the Rock Publicist. Jennifer graduated from Elon University with a B.A. in Communications. When she isn't writing, she enjoys spending time with family, long walks, traveling, touring historical sites, hanging out at bookstores with coffee shops, genealogy, and reading.


2nd in the Quilts of Love series

When Quakers Flora Saferight and Bruce Millikan embark on the Underground Railroad, they agree to put their differences aside to save the lives of a pregnant slave couple. With only her mother’s quilt as a secret guide, the foursome follows the stitches through unknown treachery.

As they embark on their perilous journey, they hope and pray that their path is one of promise where love sustains them, courage builds faith, and forgiveness leads to freedom.

If you would like to read the first chapter of Path of Freedom, go HERE.

Watch the book trailer:

~Tulip's Wordless Wednesday~

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Try A New Recipe Tuesday~Chicken in a Bag

Ok, so I'm really bad about remembering to take photos of dishes I've liked, so the above is just a chicken photo I found on the internet, not this recipe's results.  Now that I'm participating in this weekly link-up, I've got to start snapping photos!

This recipe was given to me by a friend, and it is so easy and yummy!  I could see easily chopping up veggies ahead of time to save time, and swapping out veggies and spices to ones your family prefers.

Chicken in A Bag

1 large turkey bag
2 Tablespoons flour
2 packages chicken gravy mix
2 cups water
1/2 teaspoon basil
1/2 teaspoon thyme
1/2 teaspoon seasoning salt
1 bag small carrots (1 lb)
1 medium onion chopped
about 6 red potatoes cut into 1 inch cubes
1 red pepper chopped
1 green pepper chopped
4 chicken breasts-seasoned with paprika, salt and pepper and cut into 1 inch pieces

Put flour in bag and shake.
Add gravy mix, water, and veggies.
Sprinkle spices over the top, add potatoes, and place chicken on top.
Tie bag and cut a few slits in the top.
Bake at 350 for 1 1/2 hours in a 13x9 pan.

Now, go check out more great recipes at the Try a New Recipe Tuesday Link-up:

Monday, January 14, 2013

Book Review and Author iPad Giveaway~The Lesson

About The Lesson: Mary Kate Lapp is a feisty, intelligent 19-year-old living in an Old Order Amish community.   She dreams of travel, and is dismayed to find out she has been assigned to be the new teacher at the schoolhouse!  While she is trying to figure out how to get out of this horrible job, a death takes place in the community and Mary Kate is at the center of the investigation, determined to solve the murder! All of this, along with the arrival of a new young man and his little sister in town turns Mary Kate's world upside-down!

About the Author: Suzanne Woods Fisher is the bestselling author of the Lancaster County Secrets series and the Stoney Ridge Seasons series, as well as nonfiction books about the Amish, including Amish Peace. She is also the coauthor of a new Amish children's series, The Adventures of Lily Lapp. Her interest in the Anabaptist cultures can be directly traced to her grandfather, who was raised in the Old Order German Baptist Brethren Church in Franklin County, Pennsylvania. Suzanne is a Carol Award winner and a Christy Award finalist. She is the host of internet radio show Amish Wisdom and a columnist for Christian Post and Cooking & Such magazines. She lives in California. For more information, please visit www.suzannewoodsfisher.com and connect with her on Twitter @suzannewfisher. Get Amish proverbs delivered right to your iphone or ipad! Download the Free App

My Thoughts: The Lesson is another wonderful novel by Suzanne Woods Fisher, the third book in the Stoney Ridge Seasons series. I had read the first two books, and the character Mary Kate Lapp was so much fun in the previous two! I was so glad when I saw this book was going to center around Mary Kate!  I loved that there was so much going on in this story-Mary Kate Lapp is not your normal Amish young woman, she seems to attract trouble!  Her personal journey overcoming her fear at being the local schoolteacher is inspiring, and  the new character Chris Yoder was a great addition!  The Lesson has characters that you  feel like you know personally by the end of the story, and the story moves along at a perfect pace.  Even if you haven't read the first two in this series, you could easily read The Lesson by itself. 

Read more reviews of The Lesson on the Litfuse website.  Buy your own copy of The Lesson at Amazon.

Celebrate the release of The Lesson with Suzanne Woods Fisher by entering to win one of TWO iPads!
Two winners will receive:
  • A brand new iPad
  • A $15 gift certificate to iTunes
Enter today by clicking one of the icons below. But hurry, the giveaway ends on January 20th. Winner will be announced on 1/22/13 at Suzanne's Blog.

Tell your friends via FACEBOOK or TWITTER and increase your chances of winning.

*Disclosure: I received a free copy of this book from Litfuse in exchange for my honest review. 

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Review and Giveaway~Purex Baby Detergent

As a member of Purex Insiders, I had the opportunity to try out Purex Baby.  No, I don't have a baby, but I do have a one-year-old grandson, and I tried it out on all of our family's laundry as well!  Purex Baby detergent has the same strong cleaning power as the regular Purex, but is gentle on baby's skin.  It is hypoallergenic and dermatologist-tested.  Purex Baby worked great on all of our laundry at getting stains out, and I loved the fresh, gentle scent.  And because its Purex, its affordable!

Right now, Purex is having an Oh Baby! Sweepstakes, where three lucky winners will each win $500, and an additional 250 winners will win free Purex Baby detergent!  Click here to be taken to the sweepstakes.

Purex has provided me with THREE coupons for a free bottle of Purex Baby Detergent!  

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: Purex provided me with a sample of Purex Baby Detergent in exchange for a product review.  However, all the opinions expressed here are my own.

~Wordless Wednesday-Brothers~

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Try a New Recipe Tuesday~Cheeseburger Pie

This year, I wanted to start adding favorite recipes to my blog.  A blog hop is a great way to get lots of new recipes, so I'm linking up with Home to 4 Kiddos on Tuesdays for 'Try a New Recipe Tuesday'.  I hope you'll click on the link below to check out everyone's yummy contributions!

My recipe this week is Cheeseburger Pie.  This is a favorite at our house-it originally came from the Bisquick box.  It makes one pie dish, but I like to double everything and put it in a 13x9x2 casserole dish for our family of 5 (3 big boy eaters!).

Impossibly Easy Cheeseburger Pie

lb lean (at least 80%) ground beef
large onion, chopped (1 cup)
teaspoon salt
cup shredded Cheddar cheese (4 oz)
cup Original Bisquick® mix
cup milk
  1. Heat oven to 400°F. Spray 9-inch glass pie plate with cooking spray.
  2. In 10-inch skillet, cook beef and onion over medium heat 8 to 10 minutes, stirring occasionally, until beef is brown; drain. Stir in salt. Spread in pie plate. Sprinkle with cheese.
  3. In small bowl, stir remaining ingredients with fork or wire whisk until blended. Pour into pie plate.
  4. Bake about 25 minutes or until knife inserted in center comes out clean.
*If you double the recipe like I do, put in a 13 x 9x 2 casserole dish and cook about 10 minutes longer.  

Now go check out some more great recipes: 

Monday, January 7, 2013

Review and Giveaway Blog Hop!!

Starting last week the wonderful book Love Finds You in Glacier Bay, Alaska by Tricia Goyer and Ocieanna Fleiss was released. You can purchase it at either of these retailers: Amazon.com~Barnes and Noble~Christianbook.com
Singer Ginny Marshall is one signature away from the recording contract of her dreams—a deal that would guarantee success for the former foster child, who still struggles to bury the memories of her painful childhood. But Ginny needs advice from the one person who will look out for her best interests—her former fiancé, Brett Miller. She travels to the remote town of Glacier Bay, Alaska, where the town’s colorful characters and stunning scenery provide respite from LA’s pressures. In Glacier Bay, Ginny discovers a box of old letters and is swept up in the love story between Clay, an early missionary to Alaska Territory, and Ellie, the woman who traveled there to be his children’s governess. When Ginny is reunited with Brett in Glacier Bay, will she discover—as Ellie did—that healing and love are sometimes found in the most unexpected places?
But this week each blogger (listed in the linky below) is giving you a chance to win the book (and a few have even more prizes) so after you are done entering my giveaway please hop on to the next blog. This giveaway will start on January 8th, 2013 at 12am EST and run until January 14th, 2013 at 11:59pm EST.

You can read my review here.

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Now hop on over to these other wonderful blogs to enter to win the book!

Hop on over to each of these blogs for more chances to win the book (or even more prizes) Love Finds You in Glacier Bay, Alaska by Tricia Goyer and Ocieanna Fleiss.

1. A Jewel In The Making  15. Athena@The Loose Screw  
2. Renee @Doorkeeper  16. Malory @ Espresso Your-Self  
3. Angela/Griperang  17. GivingNSharing  
4. Super Mom Illusion--Lyn Parker  18. Christian Chick's Thoughts  
5. My Recent Favorite Books  19. Day by Day in Our World  
6. Lindsey Bell-Faith and Family  20. Mommy's Minute  
7. Words With Books  21. Brooke @ i blog 4 books  
8. Radiant Light   22. The Attic Girl  
9. The Koala Bear Writer  23. Naomi Shaw (Giveaway coming soon)  
10. Discovering Jubilee  24. Frugal Experiments  
11. Our Advocate  25. Shoopette's book reviews  
12. Michelle  26. Being Elle  
13. Ben & Me (book and Sarah Palin's Alaska DVD set)  27. Susan Stitch  
14. Sarah - 2 copies of the book (2 winners)  28. Mindy Peltier  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Book Review~Doctor to the Rescue

This week, the
Christian Fiction Blog Alliance
is introducing
Doctor To The Rescue
Love Inspired (December 18, 2012)
Cheryl Wyatt


Born Valentine’s Day on a Navy base, Cheryl Wyatt writes military romance. Her Steeple Hill debuts earned RT Top Picks plus #1 and #4 on eHarlequin's Top 10 Most-Blogged-About-Books, lists including NYT Bestsellers. Cheryl loves interacting with her readers and can be found almost daily on Facebook.

Word from the Author:
I do regular giveaways including a Kindle for every 250 people who join (aka "Like) my Facebook author page: https://www.facebook.com/CherylWyattAuthor and I'd LOVE for word to spread about that. We have a lot of fun there as I ask for frequent reader input on current books, with helpers being mentioned in the acknowledgements and fun stuff like that.


Combat doctor Ian Shupe returns home from overseas with his most important mission: to raise his little girl. But Ian's a single dad, and working at Eagle Point's trauma center means having to find child care. When bighearted, struggling lodge owner Bri Landis offers babysitting in exchange for construction work, Ian accepts. He vows to keep his emotional distance from Bri, yet can't deny that his daughter is blossoming under her tender care. But is he ready to believe that his heart's deepest prayer may finally be answered? If you would like to read the first chapter of Doctor To The Rescue, go HERE.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Book Review~An Amish Kitchen

An Amish Kitchen is compiled of three Amish novellas: A Taste of Faith by Kelly Long,  A Spoonful of Love by Amy Clipston, and A Recipe for Hope by Beth Wiseman.  I have previously read and enjoyed books by all three authors, so I knew I was in for some good reading time!

If you've ever read Amish fiction or information about the Amish, then you know the kitchen is the heart of the Amish home. These three stories intertwine their characters and location, centering around the tight-knit community of Paradise, Pennsylvania.

In A Taste of Faith, Fern Zook is blessed with a green thumb, learning how to heal with plants and herbs from her beloved grandmother.  Her neighbor Abram Fisher is frequently needing her help while he cares for his younger siblings, and a spark of romance is blossoming between them.

In A Spoonful of Love, Hannah King is busy running her parent's bed and breakfast, Paradise Inn.  As she dreams of finding love, a handsome young Amish man from out of town arrives to stay at the Inn.  Is he the man of her dreams?

In A Recipe for Hope, Eve Bender struggles with her relationship with her mother.  After a storm forces Eve's family to temporarily move in with her parents, tensions increase between them.  Will Eve and her mother be able to heal old wounds and mend their relationship?

An Amish Kitchen contains a glossary of Amish words, Reading Group Guides, and 45 Old Order Amish recipes!  There are even herbal medicinal recipes from A Taste of Faith.  An Amish Kitchen is an enjoyable, heartwarming collection of stories!

*Disclosure: I received this book free of charge from Booksneeze in exchange for my honest review.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Book Review~Paradise Calling

Paradise Calling, written by Ilze Henderson, is an exciting murder mystery.  This book is published by Deep River Books (ISBN 9781937756048, $15.99).  Both Donovan Brown and Jennifer Harvey are single and focused on their  careers.  They have both built walls up, unwilling to let anyone get too close.  The two are brought together when Jennifer's father is murdered in the lab Donovan works in.  Together, they embark on a journey following the mysterious clues left by Jennifer's father before his death.   While on this adventure, they discover a lot about themselves spiritually, and struggle with opening themselves up both spiritually and romantically. The characters were well-developed, and the story flowed along well.

I would definitely recommend Paradise Calling to anyone wanting a Christian romance and mystery, with a little bit of a science fiction edge to it.  To learn more about the author visit www.ilzehenderson.co.za.  Check out Deep River books at www.DeepRiverBooks.com.

To read more reviews like this one, go to Tell Us The Truth Reviews!

*Disclosure: I received this book free of charge from Bring It On Communications (Tell us The Truth Reviews) in exchange for my honest review.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Wordless Wednesday-Icicles!

Book Review~Escaping the Cauldron

Escaping The Cauldron is a fascinating book written by Kristine McGuire, who was raised in a Christian home.  This is a true account of Kristine's struggle with the occult.  She describes in detail her experiences as a ghost hunter, witch, and medium.

Escaping the Cauldron has been described as 'part Bible study and part memoir'.  It explores how the author tried to blend the occult with Christianity, and how God eventually delivered her from this double life.

The author addresses areas that readers may question whether or not they are potentially crossing into the supernatural, such as Halloween.  Included in the book are websites for further research, a glossary of occult words, information about spiritual gifts, and how you can know Jesus. With scripture throughout the book, Escaping the Cauldron is both powerful and informative.  It would be a helpful resource for anyone, including church leaders, in helping those involved in any area of the supernatural and occult.

*Disclosure: I received this book from Charisma House Publishers in exchange for my honest review.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Book Review~Love Finds You in Glacier Bay, Alaska

A few days ago, I wrote this blog post explaining that I'm on Tricia Goyer's 2013 Launch Team, with a sneak peak of her new book.  Well, today is the day!  Love Finds You in Glacier Bay, Alaska comes out today, January 1st.  I'm a big fan of the authors, and I've always been fascinated by Alaska, so I was excited to read this book! And let me tell you, it was incredible!!

The story starts out introducing singer Ginny Marshall, who is rising in stardom in LA and in a relationship with a music producer.  Her heart still aches for former boyfriend Brett Miller, who wanted to marry her and now lives in Glacier Bay.  A lifetime of loss has kept Ginny from making commitments, and she finds herself on a plane to Alaska, wanting to get Brett's advice about her upcoming recording contract and escape her high pressure life.  When she arrives, Brett is on a kayaking trip, and Ginny ends up staying with his Grandmother.  Grandmother Ethel shares a box of old letters with Ginny, which turn out to be the story of Clay, an early Alaskan missionary, and his children's governess, Ellie. Ginny gets deeply into the letters, which tell of an amazing story of love and healing in the wilderness of Alaska.

I loved this book.  I couldn't put it down.  It was like I was reading two stories in one-the historical story of Glacier Bay with Clay and Ellie, and the contemporary story with Ginny and Brett.  I felt like I was there with the characters-like they were part of my family, and the authors did a beautiful job of painting the scenery of Glacier Bay with words.  I learned so much about this area of Alaska, and now I want to go there even more than before (and I really  have wanted to go)!  I highly suggest reading Love Finds You in Glacier Bay, Alaska-it will make you laugh, and it will make you cry!

To learn more about the authors, here are links to their websites:

Hurry and go purchase your own copy of Love Finds You in Glacier Bay, Alaska!  You can find it at Amazon and Christian Book.  Be sure and come back next week-I will be giving away a copy of this wonderful story!!

*Disclosure: I was given a free copy of this book in exchange for my review.  All opinions are my own.