Wednesday, February 27, 2013
T.R.I.P. Update #3
In January Chad and I began reviewing T.R.I.P., Targeted Reading Improvement for Kids. If you haven't read my past posts about this program and want the basics and our experience so far, here are the links to my posts:
Introductory Post
Update #1
Update #2
We are plugging along with our lessons. Due to illness and a family emergency, we didn't get as many lessons done as I had planned on. The lessons we did since the last update have gone well. As before, Chad loves the flashing practice. He doesn't mind the other parts of the lesson, that flashing practice is just his favorite part. I believe his reading is continuing to improve, as well as his memory. I can't believe this is our last update before we post our final thoughts on the T.R.I.P. program. Tune in next week for the final update!
*Disclosure: I received this program free of charge as part of the CWA Review Crew. All opinions are my own.
Book Review~Goodbye to Yesterday
Goodbye to Yesterday is the first installment of The Discovery Saga by Wanda Brunstetter. Ms. Brunstetter is very well known for her wonderful writing of Amish Fiction and non-fiction, and I have enjoyed many of her books. The Discovery Saga is a series of six short books, released one at a time monthly. This is the story of Luke and Meredith Stoltzfus, newly married and struggling. Luke has lost his job, and life is stressful. He doesn't even know that Meredith suspects they are pregnant with their first child. An opportunity to learn a new trade in another state arises, and he goes ahead with it, even though Meredith has bad feelings about it. They soon learn that Meredith's fears of something going wrong were true.
Goodbye to Yesterday was a great book. I loved that it was short,just 121 pages, so I could easily read it in a couple evenings. For such a short book, it was still intense, and I felt that I really got to know the main characters of Luke and Meredith. I'm anxiously awaiting the next installment of The Discovery Saga!
Disclosure: I received this book free from Handlebar Publishing in exchange for my honest review.
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Review and Giveaway~Dry Idea AdvancedDry
Dry Idea has a new antiperspirant/deodorant out-Dry Idea AdvancedDry Fresh. Have you ever heard of a deodorant offering 72 hour protection? I hadn't-Dry Idea AdvancedDry offers odor protection for up to 72 hours, and Pulse Activated Wetness Protection to keep you dry. The fast drying roll-on is available in unscented, Powder Fresh, and regular, and is hypoallergenic with Vitamin E. The clear gel is available in unscented and Powder Fresh, is also hypoallergenic, with a No Residue Formula.
I had the opportunity to try the roll-on in the Powder Fresh scent. Now, let me first say that I sweat a lot. I have a hard time finding deodorants that last all day. I also don't usually use roll-ons because I don't like waiting for my armpits to dry!! I was so impressed with this deodorant! The roll-on dried almost immediately, and I stayed fresh and dry all day! The scent was perfect-not overpowering so it competes with your perfume. It was a nice, fresh scent. Dry Idea AdvancedDry is my new favorite deodorant!
Dry Idea is having a 'Never Let Them See You Sweat' Sweepstakes!! One lucky grand prize winner will receive $500, while ten 2nd place winners will receive a $50 prize! Click here to enter.
I have THREE coupons for a free Dry Idea deodorant!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Disclosure: Dry Idea brand provided me with a free sample of their Dry Idea AdvancedDry Fresh brand antiperspirant and deodorant so I could review it. All of the opinions expressed here are my own.
Try a New Recipe Tuesday~Yummy Beef and Bean Crockpot Dinner
This is a recipe I discovered a few months ago, and it is a favorite in our house now!! Yummy!
Yummy Beef and Bean Crockpot Dinner
1 lb. ground beef
1/4 cup chopped onion
1 cup ketchup
60 oz. canned pork and beans (2 large or 4 small cans)
1 cup brown sugar
2 Tablespoons Liquid Smoke
1 Tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
*Brown ground beef and onions. Drain. Spoon meat and onions into slow cooker.
*Add remaining ingredients and stir well.
*Cover. Cook on high 3 hours or on low 5-6 hours.
Find some more new recipes! Click the button below:

Thursday, February 21, 2013
Book Review~David Sticker Book
The David Sticker Book (ISBN 9781859859315) is a fun new book by Karen Williamson, illustrated by Amanda Enright, and published by Candle Books, a part of Lion Hudson. This is a summarized story of David and Goliath for kids, with bright illustrations and FOUR pages full of reusable stickers! Each page in the story has places for stickers.
Chad is ten years old, and I wasn't sure if he would think a sticker book like this is too babyish. Then it arrived, and oh boy did he get excited! He set right to work applying the stickers (in his jammies, as you can see in the picture below). He had so much fun, and has continued to pull it out and enjoy it. Of course, for him the stickers were the important part, but to Mom the story was the important part. I thought the story of David was written well for children, and kept him interested throughout.
David Sticker Book would make a great little gift, and is available at
I received this book free from the publisher through the Kregel Publications book review program, which requires an honest review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s CFR Title 16, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Book Review~I Am That I Am
I Am That I Am by Judy Azar LeBlanc
ISBN: 9781936746101
Published by Crosslink Publishing
I Am That I Am: Tracing the Footprints of God is a valuable resource to have in your home library. It is 492 pages of bible verses, biblical facts, and commentary by biblical scholars. Included are all eight covenants of God, summaries of over forty-five of Jesus' parables, descriptions of over fifty divine miracles, and traces over fifty divine names and titles reflecting God. There are commentaries throughout I Am That I Am by over seventy-five renowned bible scholars, as well as helpful maps and tables.
The bulk of the book is broken down into four main parts:
*God's Covenants with Humanity
*The Parabolic Ministry of Christ
*The Miraculous Healing Ministry of the Great I Am That I Am through Jesus
*Names and Titles of the Great I Am That I Am
I Am That I Am : Tracing the Footprints of God is a very full, large book, and I must admit that I was intimidated at first. But now I can say I am so glad that I read it! It was inspirational to read all of the parables one after the other. The in-depth insights by scholars were helpful. I Am That I Am is definitely a book I personally recommend reading!
Purchase I Am That I Am on Amazon.
Disclosure of Material: I received this book free from the publisher through the book review program, which requires an honest, though not necessarily positive, review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s CFR Title 16, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
Schoolhouse Crew Review~God's Great Covenant OT1
Teaching my kids about the Bible is something I take seriously. It's important to find good, quality, biblically sound materials to enhance their learning. Classical Academic Press is a company that I trust and use when I need quality educational materials that are in line with what I believe.
God's Great Covenant Old Testament 1 Student Book $22.95
God's Great Covenant Old Testament 1 Teacher Book $24.95
God's Great Covenant Old Testament 1 Audio Files $9.95
God's Great Covenant Student Book, written by Claire A. Larsen, is a large softcover book written at a 2nd grade level, and can be modified for older and younger students. It covers the Bible chronologically from Genesis to Ruth. There are 32 chapters, suggested to be completed one per week for the school year. There are five themed units:
1. In the Beginning...God's Power (Genesis 1-11)
2. By the Patriarchs...God's Promises (Genesis 12-50)
3. Out of Egypt...God's Redemption (Exodus 1-34)
4. Through the Wilderness...God's Provision (Exodus -Deuteronomy)
5. In the Promised Land...God's Faithfulness (Joshua, Judges, Ruth, Job)
Each chapter within the units has a theme, memory verse, stories, questions to answer, review worksheets, quizzes, puzzles, and more. There are cute black and white illustrations throughout the book, and Appendixes and maps at the back of the book with a lot of helpful information.
The Teacher's Edition was so helpful. It has everything included in the Student Book with answers, plus additional facts and Children's Catechism questions. The audio files are an MP3 download of the readings featured in God's Great Covenant: OT1. This is a nice option to take a break from Mom or the child reading the stories. Sample pages of each book and a suggested teaching schedule are available on the product pages.
Also available for purchase is the Old Testament Timeline and Map set for $36.95. I did not review this, but can imagine it would be a great addition to the books. To save some money (aren't we all looking to do that these days??) consider purchasing the God's Great Covenant Old Testament One Bundle, which includes everything mentioned above (Timelines and Map Set too!) for only $79.95! This is nearly 15% savings.
What did Chad (age 10) and I think about this curriculum? We love it, and I highly recommend it. I had reviewed the New Testament 1 books last year and was so impressed, so I knew this would be a winner. The stories are engaging and keep Chad's attention, and he loves the puzzles. He really likes the cute black and white illustrations, and likes to use his colored pencils to give them color while I read the stories. Even though Chad is in 4th grade, he is reading at an early 2nd grade level. So, I do most of the reading. In a few years when he is a stronger reader, I would like him to go through this book again on his own. The Teacher's Edition is a gem-so full of facts, and I love the Catechism Questions. The Appendixes are very helpful as well. I especially liked Appendix D, which explains the Ten Commandments in a way kids can understand. We are so pleased with God's Great Covenant OT1 that it is now our Bible Curriculum for the year! I'm planning on purchasing the Old Testament 2 book next year.
You can find additional support at CAP's Facebook Page and their Student Support Site. For more reviews of this product, click the Schoolhouse Crew banner below:

Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Book Review and Author Chat Party/Giveaway~Unbreakable
Unbreakable is the second book in the Road to Kingdom series by Nancy Mehl. In this installment, sweet and kind Hope Kaufmann is engaged to marry Ebbie Miller. She has feelings as well for Jonathon Wiese, and is torn between the two men very different in their personalities. Hope is a faithful Mennonite, and delights in the traditions of her religion. Scary events begin happening in her small town of Kingdom, and the residents' lives are in danger. This group of people opposed to violence are faced with protecting their town. As tensions run high, Hope is learning to listen to God's leading.
I read the first book in the series, Inescapable, and loved it so much that I passed it on to my Mom. She loved it too! I was excited to get to reading Unbreakable right away! I enjoyed this book as much as the first! While Inescapable focused mainly on Lizzie Engle, Unbreakable's main character is Hope Kaufmann, who is a very lovable character. The small town of Kingdom and it's people's sense of family and unity are so enjoyable to read about, as well as the Mennonite religion and traditions. The amount of romance and mystery in Inescapable was a perfect balance. Now its time to pass on Unbreakable to Mom!
Nancy Mehl lives in Wichita, Kansas, with her husband Norman and her very active puggle, Watson. She's authored fourteen books and is currently at work on a new series for Bethany House Publishing. All of Nancy's novels have an added touch - something for your spirit as well as your soul. "I welcome the opportunity to share my faith through my writing," Nancy says. "God is number one in my life. I wouldn't be writing at all if I didn't believe that this is what He's called me to do. I hope everyone who reads my books will walk away with the most important message I can give them: God is good, and He loves you more than you can imagine. He has a good plan for your life, and there is nothing you can't overcome with His help." Readers can learn more about Nancy through her Web site: She is also active on Facebook.
Celebrate the release of Unbreakable with Nancy Mehl by entering her Kindle Fire Giveaway and RSVPing to the March 5th Author Chat Party on Facebook!

One fortunate winner will receive:
- A Kindle Fire
- Books one & two in Nancy's Road to Kingdom series (Inescapable and Unbreakable)
Grab your copy of Unbreakable and join Nancy on the evening of the March 5th for a chance to connect with Nancy and make some new friends. (If you haven't read the book, don't let that stop you from coming!)

Don't miss a moment of the fun, RSVP today. Tell your friends via FACEBOOK or TWITTER and increase your chances of winning. Hope to see you on the 5th!
T.R.I.P.-Update #2
Last month, I introduced you to the new program we were beginning, T.R.I.P., which stands for Targeted Reading Improvement Program. To summarize, T.R.I.P. is a very affordable ($19.99) CD-Rom that contains 20 lessons. Each lesson has three parts: Word Lists, Flashing Practice, and Story Cards. This program is helpful to students with Dyslexia, ADD, ADHD, and other learning problems.
Chad is doing well with the program. The words are getting more difficult, so he is beginning to get more frequent mistakes. His favorite part is still the Flashing Practice. I'm amazed at how much he has progressed in that part of the program. When we first started, we started on the slowest speed and it was hard for him to remember basic shapes to copy them down on his paper. Now he wants to do Flashing Practice on the fastest speed, and he is successfully copying some really difficult shapes, letter combinations, numbers, and words!
All in all, we are doing well with T.R.I.P. I believe it is helping him with reading, spelling, and memory. I'm looking forward to seeing even more progress as the words get more difficult. Until our next update, check out T.R.I.P at and on Facebook!
*Disclosure: I received this program free of charge as part of the CWA Review Crew. All opinions are my own.
product review,
Book Review~For Love of Eli
With more than FOUR MILLION copies of her books in circulation, Loree has 98 books (fiction and non-fiction for kids and adults; four novels optioned for movies; more books slated for release between now and 2014), 68 short stories, over 2,500+ articles in print, and over 19,000 letters from fans!
Loree loves sharing learned-the-hard-way lessons about the craft and the industry, and her comedic approach makes her a favorite (and frequent) guest of writers' organizations, book clubs, private and government institutions, college and high school writing programs both here and abroad.
A writer who believes in "giving back," Loree dedicates a portion of her income to Soldiers' Angels, Special Operations Warrior Foundation, and other worthwhile organizations.
She splits her time between a tiny home in the Baltimore suburbs and an even tinier cabin in the Allegheny Mountains, and shares both with her real-life hero Larry, who rarely complains, even when she adds yet another item to her vast collection of "wolf stuff."
When unspeakable tragedy leaves young Eli an orphan, two families are devastated. But Taylor, Eli’s aunt and legal guardian, vows to help him remember his parents by creating a Memory Quilt. As she begins piecing together the moments of his parents' lives, the story of the young family emerges and Taylor and Eli begin to heal. But Eli’s uncle Reece is slow to let go of the past and still blames Taylor’s brother for his sister’s death. So, although he has long been attracted to Taylor, Reece keeps a safe distance away. Can their shared love for Eli pave the way to forgiveness or will Taylor and Reece be separated by pain?
If you would like to read a first chapter excerpt of For Love of Eli, go HERE.
Try a New Recipe Tuesday~Ranch Potato Cubes
Ranch Potato Cubes
recipe created by Mae Craft
7 medium potatoes, cut into 1/2 inch cubes (I used 5, my potatoes were on the big side)
1/4 cup butter or margarine, cubed
1 cup sour cream
1 envelope ranch salad dressing mix
1 cup shredded cheddar cheese
*Place potatoes in a greased 11x7 baking dish. (I used a 13x9 and it was fine). Dot with butter.
*Cover and bake at 325 for 60-65 minutes until tender.
*Combine sour cream and salad dressing mix, spoon over potatoes. Sprinkle with cheese.
*Bake, uncovered for 5-10 minutes or until cheese is melted.
8 servings
*Note-I'm thinking this would be pretty easy to do a lower fat version with reduced fat cheese and light sour cream.
Check out the rest of this week's new recipes:

Friday, February 15, 2013
Book Review~Daybreak by Shelley Shepard Gray
Since 2000, Shelley Sabga has sold over thirty novels to numerous publishers, including HarperCollins, Harlequin, Abingdon Press, and Avon Inspire. She has been interviewed by NPR, and her books have been highlighted in numerous publications, including USA Today and The Wall Street Journal.
Under the name Shelley Shepard Gray, Shelley writes Amish romances for HarperCollins’ inspirational line, Avon Inspire. Her recent novel, The Protector, the final book in her “Families of Honor” series, hit the New York Times List, and her previous novel in the same series, The Survivor, appeared on the USA Today bestseller list. Shelley has won the prestigious Holt Medallion for her books, Forgiven and Grace, and her novels have been chosen as Alternate Selections for the Doubleday/Literary Guild Book Club. Her first novel with Avon Inspire, Hidden, was an Inspirational Reader’s Choice finalist.
Before writing romances, Shelley lived in Texas and Colorado, where she taught school and earned both her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in education. She now lives in southern Ohio and writes full time. Shelley is married, the mother of two children in college, and is an active member of her church. She serves on committees, volunteers in the church office, and currently leads a Bible study group, and she looks forward to the opportunity to continue to write novels that showcase her Christian ideals.
When she’s not writing, Shelley often attends conferences and reader retreats in order to give workshops and publicize her work. She’s attended RWA’s national conference six times, the ACFW conference and Romantic Times Magazine’s annual conference as well as traveled to New Jersey, Birmingham, and Tennessee to attend local conferences.
Check out Shelley's Facebook Fan page
When Viola Keim starts working at a nearby Mennonite retirement home, she strikes up an unlikely friendship with resident Atle, whose only living relative, son Edward, is living as a missionary in Nicaragua. Viola understands the importance of mission work, but she can’t imagine leaving her father in the hands of strangers. Even though her family is New Order Amish, it’s not the Amish way, and though she doesn’t know Ed, she judges him for abandoning his father.
But when Ed surprises his father with a visit, Viola and Ed both discover an attraction they never expected. Despite her feelings, choosing Ed would mean moving to a far-off country and leaving her family behind. She can’t do that. Her twin sister, Elsie, is going blind and will need someone to care for her all her life. Her family is reeling with the recent discovery that her grandmother hid her past as an Englischer. Her father seems forgetful and distracted—and to be harboring some secrets of his own. Does Viola dare leave them all behind and forge her own life? Or will family ties mean her one chance at love slips away?
If you would like to read a first Chapter excerpt from Daybreak,go HERE.
book review,
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Try a New Recipe Tuesday~Crockpot Greek Yogurt
I love this Greek yogurt-so easy and yummy! I make it all the time. You just have to plan when you start making it in the afternoon (approx 6 hours before you are going to bed), so that it is ready to sit overnight when you are ready to go to bed. Can also be used as sour cream.
Crock pot Greek Yogurt
makes about 4 cups
*8 cups (half gallon) of whole, 1%, 2%, or skim pasteurized mild, but do not use ultra-pasteurized
*1/2 cup store-bought natural plain or Greek unflavored yogurt. (Once you have made your own, you can set 1/2 cup aside as a starter
*You can also double this recipe and use 1 gallon of milk and 1 cup of yogurt starter, just heat the milk for 3 hours instead of 2 1/2 on step 2. The rest of the steps stay the same.
Cooking Tools:
*4 quart or larger crock pot
*Measuring cup
*Paper towels or cheese cloth (I use paper towels)
*Containers to put yogurt in
*thick bath towel
1. Make your yogurt on a day you are home to monitor.
2. Plug in your crock pot and turn to low. Add a half gallon of milk. Cover and cook on low for 2 1/2 hours.
3. Unplug your crock pot. Leave the cover on, and let it sit for 3 hours.
4. When 3 hours have passed, scoop out 2 cups of the warm milk and put it in a bowl. Whisk in 1/2 cup of yogurt. Then dump the bowl contents back into the crock pot. Whisk to combine.
5. Put the lid back on your crock pot. Keep it unplugged, and wrap a heavy bath towel all the way around the crock pot for insulation.
6. Let sit for 8 hours or overnight.
7. In morning, should be yogurt consistency.
8. Place cheesecloth, paper towels, or coffee filters into a colander and ladle the yogurt into it. Place colander into the sink or a big bowl to catch liquid.
9. Let sit 1 hour or until creamy and thick.
10. Chill in plastic container. Save 1/2 cup as a starter to make next batch.
Now go check out all of this week's new recipes!!

Thursday, February 7, 2013
Book Review~The Air We Breathe
From the back cover: "Molly Fisk needs the courage to face her fears. What she finds instead is a most unexpected friendship. Seventeen-year-old Molly Fisk does not go outside. For so long she has run away from a moment long in the past, but she's not running anymore. She's hiding. Ruled by anxiety, she can only stare out the window of the tiny tourist-town museum she and her mother call home, longing to go outside-to maybe take a walk with the cute boy who works in the pizza place across the street.
Then the chance arrival of a woman Molly knew years ago changes everything. Back then, Claire Rodriguez was an empty shell. Only in the unique friendship she struck up with a little girl-a silent girl who would only talk to Claire-did she see the possibility of healing. But one day the girl and her mother vanished, their house left abandoned.
What happened that drove them away? And how can Claire now offer Molly the same chance at finding life anew?"
My Thoughts: I enjoyed this book; it was a great story. The characters were very real and my heart ached for the pain they were going through. There were several unanswered questions that kept you wondering and guessing throughout the story. The only problem I had with the book was the way the chapters were written, going back and forth in time based on the two main characters. That was confusing for me. I can understand why the author wrote it that way, though, for maximum impact of the storyline. The Air We Breathe is definitely worth checking out!
*Disclosure: I was given a free copy of this book from Bethany House in exchange for my honest review.
Review and Giveaway~Purex Crystals for Baby
The popular line of Purex Crystals now has a product just for babies! Purex Crystals for Baby is 87% natural, hypoallergenic, dye free, and safe for use on all clothes, including children's sleepwear. Most fabric softeners are not for use on children's sleepwear, but Purex Crystals for Baby is! I don't have a baby, but I still enjoyed my sample of Purex Crystals for Baby! I loved the clean, fresh, powdery scent.
Purex Crystals for Baby is currently having a 'Welcome to the World' sweepstakes! One lucky grand prize winner will receive $1000, and 250 second place winners will receive a coupon for a free bottle of Purex Crystals for Baby! Enter the sweepstakes here. Good luck!
The Giveaway!!!
3 readers will each win a coupon for a free bottle of Purex Crystals for Baby!!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
*Disclosure: Purex provided me with a sample of Purex Crystals for Baby in exchange for a product review. However, all the opinions expressed here are my own.
Facebook Party coming up on 2/12!! Enter now!
Celebrate with Tricia and Ocieanna by entering their "Glacier Bay" Giveaway and RSVPing for their Facebook Party on Feb. 12th!
One fortunate winner will receive:

One fortunate winner will receive:
- A gorgeous handmade “Glacier Bay” bracelet
- A handmade cowl in "Glacier Bay" blues and greens
- A bottle of custom-made "Glacier Bay" sparkle polish in blue
- Love Finds You in Glacier Bay, Alaska by Tricia Goyer and Ocieanna Fleiss and their two other “Love Finds You” titles {Love Finds You in Lonesome Prairie, Montana, and Love Finds You in Victory Heights, Washington}
So grab your copy of Love Finds You in Glacier Bay, Alaska, and join Tricia and Ocieanna on the evening of February 12th for a chance to connect with the authors and make some new friends. (If you haven't read the book, don't let that stop you from coming!)

Don't miss a moment of the fun, RSVP today. Tell your friends via FACEBOOK or TWITTER and increase your chances of winning. Hope to see you on the 12th!
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
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